Dharmic Guidance | Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioner | Intuitive Reader | Vinyasa Yoga Instructor | Meditation Instructor

My work with my clients is something I hold deeply sacred. I am consistently humbled by the privilege I have in being able to facilitate and witness healing happen in very real ways. My sessions are 100% confidential and I will always respect your privacy.


Read the full testimonials here…

  • "Jaelyn has been incredibly helpful to me in my process to rebuild my intuition, confidence, and self-love. Through her intuitive coaching, I felt like she was walking with me on my journey to come back to myself. The sessions I had with her gave me the space to work through challenges I was clarifying, and the reassurance I needed to move forward."

    - Catherine J., Seattle, Washington

    “I started my ThetaHealing journey with Jaelyn back in September 2022. Almost immediately and weeks following I felt a difference in my quality of life, my confidence and happiness and my relationships. Diving deeper, we did another session in January 2023. Believe me, doing work towards bettering yourself is challenging from my experience. Jaelyn helps you feel the most comfortable and supported along this journey and what a huge difference that makes going forward. After our last session I am feeling and seeing my relationship with my partner grow and change. My business is thriving and I feel more confident in all aspects of my life. Everyday I feel stronger and that I’m attracting the right things in my life for what I'm aligning with. I’m so grateful for ThetaHealing and the work with Jaelyn. My life is truly on an upward spiral and I am so grateful. Thank you Jaelyn from my whole heart.”

    - Mallory D., Hayden, Colorado

    I was distraught and in 15 minutes, Jaelyn got to the core of my perceived problem and a very troubling situation was instantly healed. The anger I was unknowingly carrying was lifted and a miracle occurred simultaneously at home! Jaelyn is a miracle worker! I highly recommend her to everyone and all situations. Her gift must be shared.

    - Alexandra M., Steamboat Springs, Colorado

    My ThetaHealing session with Jaelyn truly changed my life.. She made me feel completely comfortable so that everything was able to flow easily and we were able to accomplish a lot of important work. Her talent and compassion for her clients is remarkable and I look forward to our next session.

    - Gianni C., Pueblo, Colorado

    “Spirit led me to Jaelyn nine months {now over 6 years} ago, at Bhakti Festival in Joshua Tree, California. On that particular day a lot of emotional baggage was surfacing for me that I was struggling with. I felt lost and stuck in the dark. I didn’t know what to do. At that time I had never heard of ThetaHealing before, but Jaelyn’s beautiful presence resonated with me and the heartfelt description she gave about the ThetaHealing process really spoke to something deeper within me. So I decided to try it out. Honestly I felt such a huge shift in our first session that over the next few days I did four more sessions with her.

    In the beginning, I was struggling with the process because it was so gentle and loving. I’m used to very intense healing modalities like Ayahuasca and I held a belief that something so gentle as ThetaHealing couldn’t possibly be effective. But I’ve never been more wrong.

    Jaelyn is truly a gifted ThetaHealer. She’s connected to all levels of existence. She’s able to see the root of any issue I show up with. She really is a Divine Being helping people on Earth. I’ve continued to work with Jaelyn over the {last 6 years} because of the epic level of transformations I have with her. She’s helped me clear so many past traumas that I now feel safe to be embodied and live in the present moment. Jaelyn has helped me to experience forgiveness, acceptance, love, safety, harmony, balance, and connection to the divine masculine and divine feminine. I trust Jaelyn with the darkest parts of my existence. She truly knows how to create and hold a safe space. I am a being that now lives in the Light thanks to the work Jaelyn does. I credit her as the reason why I’ve been able to transform so quickly. I’m deeply grateful to Jaelyn and the gifts she brings into the world. If you are struggling with any issue, big or small, Jaelyn can help you transform it with Loving Kindness. Aho.”

    - Lucas J., Whidbey Island, Washington

    Jaelyn is a light in this world. I was in a very dark place when Jaelyn suggested doing a ThetaHealing session. I had felt very negative, hopeless, and frustrated about my life and where I was going for several years and had hit a wall… The work that Jaelyn and I did together cleared that negativity! It opened me up to a new self-knowledge that allowed me to see old thought patterns, toxic relationship issues, fear and eventual safety. After our session, the healing continued. I was able to let go over the following days and weeks, of ideas and people and pain that no longer served me. I began to feel lighter and hopeful about my future again. Dreams, long put aside, have come back to show their validity and I am able, now, to go forward with a sense of wholeness. As I continue on my path I will be forever grateful for the gifts I gained from my work with Jaelyn.

    - Beth W., Boulder, Colorado

    Jaelyn is an inspiration to me, her heart is filled with so much love and kindness. I thank and appreciate the work she does, she is one amazing healer and I feel so thankful to have gotten the chance to work with her. Much love.”

    - Tammy, Portland, Oregon

    My life gives me bountiful reasons to smile; but the greatest, today, is my friend and ThetaHealer Jaelyn and the work we achieved together. She is an incredibly powerful being, a Lightworker, an energy healer, and an intuitive reader, and all those who seek the light inside themselves should request her guidance. Words cannot express my gratitude.”

    - Austin S., Denver, Colorado

    Going through sessions of ThetaHealing with Jaelyn opened my eyes to a side of life I had never seen before. Her sessions allowed me to understand and conquer emotions that I had suppressed for 20 years. Opening my mind to this experience was one of the better decisions I’ve made for myself. I cannot thank her enough.” - Trevor, Denver, Colorado

    I have had 5 sessions with Jaelyn, all within a year. I am having trouble finding words to describe my experience. She touched my heart on such a deep level; the healing has been incredible. Things I didn’t think could change have been removed. Things from my childhood as well as trauma from my time in Iraq and the aftermath of a deployment. I had been living a compromised life. Constant panic attacks and horrible self-worth. I allowed people to abuse me. I thought I deserved it. My outlook was poor, and I wanted to die.

    Working with Jaelyn I have been able to get back a lot of what I thought was gone forever. As a sensitive individual I can feel people - mix in bad programming and I would find people that had bad intentions and make them feel good about treating me poorly. That program is gone - friggin’ gone! My thoughts are clear and my heart feels amazing! I knew from the second I met her that she has very good, pure intentions. I can’t convey how big of a shift I have had. So grounded, so connected, so happy, and forever grateful.

    - Mark H., Seattle, WA

    I have been working with Jaelyn now for close to three years and her work as well as her philosophy inspires me to always gravitate towards my higher self. She brings great knowledge of ThetaHealing, and she also gives back to the community. I have been truly blessed to come across someone so gifted. Her healings channel my spirit to a different realm. I highly recommend her as she has great wisdom about how we have the ability to heal ourselves, our lineage, and our belief systems. She is very compassionate and she really listens to her client’s needs. She is an incredible human being and is always a joy to work with.

    - Dawn H., Salt Lake City, Utah

    When Jaelyn suggested I try ThetaHealing, I was struggling to process some extremely difficult challenges that life had presented me. I had felt lost, fearful, purposeless, and as if I had no guiding light to lead me. Jaelyn, through her powerful wisdom and passion to guide souls to their own divine light, helped me reconnect more wholeheartedly with my own self and the universe. Even after one session, my overall demeanor illuminated and I had an overwhelming sensation that the universe had my back. The usual troubling thought patterns that often stopped me in my tracks or sent me into negative spirals were soon replaced by optimism and faith. Even months after our final session, I still credit the work we did together as a significant part of my greater healing and growing into a more genuine, loving version of myself. My life is better because of the work we did together!

    Jaelyn is a gentle, caring, intuitive healer/teacher that thrives to make the world a better place by healing one soul at a time. If you wish to better understand yourself, the energies around you, and create a better version of you, I cannot recommend enough that you try ThetaHealing with her. Much love to this wombyn and her gifts.”

    - Fiona K., Denver, Colorado

    I had a ThetaHealing with Jaelyn last summer and I’m still feeling the beautiful effects. I came to her with one question but she could tell that my healing needed to take place on a deeper level and she was able to tap in and fine-tune what I needed to hear and how I needed to heal myself. Within a week I found myself having a healing conversation with the individual she had pinpointed I needed to mend things with. I’ve actually created a very beautiful and much less tumultuous relationship with her since. I’m very appreciative for Jaelyn and her medicine, and I would recommend her to anyone.”

    - Meesha, San Diego, California

    “How ought we walk through this life of uncertainty? In the absence of a map, or protocol to follow, I take on a philosophical attitude of one who seeks the way, rather than one who knows. This is not some high-minded, idealistic decision. It is the natural consequence of being terrible at life. I follow dead end paths. Mistake falsehood for truth; Bad for Good; Low for High; Demons for Angels. And I despair. In these times, I have not persevered through these moments of darkness by calling upon great reserves of strength. Instead, the universe has taken mercy upon me. Through no deserving work of my own, I am granted a glimpse of the path that I seek and given a hint of the way forward. I am offered a reminder of the nature of the game and my role in it. I am shown the next step. These moments of illumination - too far and too few between - have no common predictable theme. But they all serve as a moment of respite in the unrelenting pounding of this incarnation. I am protected long enough to catch my breath and get my eyes up and refocused. Working with Jaelyn provided me with one of these moments. I am eternally grateful to her for her generosity working with me. I entirely endorse her work. It receives my highest recommendation.

    - S.N., Colorado

  • Jaelyn was such a gem to work with. She is highly intuitive and gifted in what she does. She made me feel right at ease right away as she picked up about what she is receiving from my guides. I love love her channeling and interpretations, it made me feel more reassured. Immensely grateful! I can only recommend her further to anyone! (:”

    - S.N., Maldives

    "Wow, just wow! The reading I had with Jaelyn was spot-on. My Soulmate Reading was very detailed down to the jacket color, amazing. If you get a chance to have an intuitive reading done by Jaelyn... do it! Can't recommend her enough.

    - Nai S., California

    "I had a wonderful session with Jaelyn. She gave me so much insight and things to reflect upon. She's clearly gifted and I'm grateful for all that I have received from her!"

    - Jen, California

    "My Soulmate Reading with Jaelyn was deeply felt. Jaelyn was soft, loving, and very informative in her reading. A big thing that came up for me in my reading was that I needed to be by water to find my partner. I found this as insane as Jaelyn didn't know for the last month I've been saying, 'I think I need to move near the water,' and offered by many friends to come visit them near water. I was looking at moving for no reason until this message came through. She mentioned to me that my sign for seeing my partner and getting closer to them would be a whale or dolphin. Since I've had our reading I've made huge life jumps, deciding to go to another country when offered and ever since making that decision, whales have been coming out of nowhere! It's insane the synchronicities that have happened after our reading. Jaelyn's energy is very comforting, it's like talking and connecting with an old dear friend. She is soft yet powerful in her delivery of messages. I highly recommend working with her, every time I work with her within the next week a huge shift in my life happens.

    Warning: working with Jaelyn will not only help you heal but you will not not be able to grow... it's just the way she works and it's powerful.

    - Lindsay M., Colorado

    "I had a Soulmate Reading with Jaelyn and she gave me details about someone in my life I had never said outloud and only thought. It definitely aligned and was comforting to know that my thoughts of his purpose in my life was for me to experience a feeling I had never had before. As Jaelyn told me, he is an expander and it resonated. She told me about a future someone that will come through and things I will observe when it happens. I definitely recommend a reading with Jaelyn."

    - Ana, California

  • “It is amazing how you can have these thoughts about yourself, your life, and your soul’s purpose and astrology has a way of validating all of that. Jaelyn’s profound and deep knowledge of this magic is nothing short of extraordinary. She has a way of beautifully piecing together so many aspects of your life that create such a sense of profound empowerment. Her gentle approach to deep wounds and hard topics makes her such a safe and trusted space to share. I’m still in awe of the big picture she was able to paint for me, giving me so much confirmation in the beautiful and bold journey my soul took on in being born into this life. If you’re considering working with her in any capacity, know that you are stepping into an opportunity to work with a real wise woman and healer. You will not be disappointed, take the leap!

    - Holly R., California

    “I had a natal birth chart reading with Jaelyn and it was such an eye opening experience. Jaelyn's approach creates a safe space for sharing sensitive information, and allowed me to feel open and comfortable to share and receive the information. To have someone validate your experiences in life, and then provide healing remedies to find balance has been rewarding. This inspiring sessions gave me more insight to myself, my gifts and talents and the confidence to trust the new path I am forging for myself. I would definitely recommend Jaelyn, and won't hesitate to book another session with her in the future.”

    - Alexandra G., Italy

    The astrology reading I received from Jaelyn felt very helpful, insightful, healing, and validating. She dove deep on topics I needed more clarity on and delivered the messages in such a concise way for me to hear. She also showed gentle sensitivity to challenging topics and provided informative remedies to help me move past some of my limiting beliefs. I would highly recommend booking a session with her! Jaelyn is extremely intuitive and such a thoughtful, intentional and caring healer. Thank you for reminding me that I am divinely on time.”

    - Gabrielle O., Pennsylvania

    Jaelyn's astrocartography session was one of the best astrology appointments I have ever had. Her deep understanding of the subject, integral approach and focus on serving the client is evident. My feelings about different areas to move to were validated and I felt supported in throughout the reading.

    - Carmen, California

    “I have received 2 astrology readings from Jaelyn as well as attended a few of her new moon circles and always receive so much insight from the sessions. Her Astro readings are very knowledgeable and intuitive. She is very caring and checks in throughout the readings to see if you’d like to talk about certain subjects more, which is great if you want to know more about astrology or if you know some and want to go deeper. I will definitely be doing a solar return reading every year, it was an excellent gift to myself. Thank you Jaelyn!”

    - Kristen Q., California

    “I had a birth chart reading done by Jaelyn and the experience was transformative. I have always been super unsure of how to dissect my chart, and this reading taught me so much about how to read it. I also had goosebumps the entire time, everything being said resonated so deeply. I feel the reading confirmed things I already knew about myself, and opened doors to now being able to work with any opposition. I booked the reading after a New Moon circle with Jaelyn that focused on astrology. I had been waiting to find someone that could help make sense of my chart. And it just felt right to have Jaelyn guide me.

    - K.H., California

  • Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I feel like a new woman! I haven't slept so well in years. Yesterday we released a generational vow of obligation and conducted a Soul Fragment Retrieval. I have a new mantra, "I know how, I know what it feels like, and I know it is possible to CHOOSE to be of highest benefit to others."

    I worked with Jaelyn on a magical and transformative Dharmic Guidance & ThetaHealing session yesterday. Jaelyn is gentle, kind, knowledgeable and carries a sacred wisdom that is a gift to the world. She possesses an earthly intelligence coupled with a spiritual knowledge and an intuitive knowing. She holds a safe and sacred space and shares her wisdom & knowledge in a way that I was able to assimilate into my mind and body. I felt invigorated after our session as if a weight had been lifted out of my body and off my shoulders, I felt lighter and more free. By the evening I was tired as my body assimilated the healing work we did together. I literally can't remember the last time I slept so well.

    I have also experienced a birth chart reading and progressed chart interpretation. Both have been extremely helpful in understanding my journey and learning aspects of myself that make so much sense. What I learned from these experiences is that I am exactly where I am meant to be and a part of my current lesson is to surrender to what is and trust the process.

    The value that Jaelyn brings to her work is immeasurable because it is so vast. Her work with me will have a ripple effect on all the lives I touch. It will start with self, be felt by my family and then spread into the world as a stream of pure love and consciousness. Thank you, Jaelyn, for the work you do in the world. I am so excited to dig deeper, go further, explore & heal more! May your tribe & beyond support your work by supporting themselves. This investment in self will continue to have value for the rest of my life. Thank you. Namaste. Love. ”

    - Jody F., California

  • (coming soon)


Testimonial Form

If you have felt inspired by these clients’ words or feel that you were exceptionally benefitted by working with me, I would be honored to receive your own testimonial. As a gift of gratitude, you will be entered to win a free Mystic Astrology reading of your choice. Winners are chosen seasonally (4x/year).

Once again, thank you for being here and allowing me to witness your healing!


my methods

I am a true student of spirituality. I have studied extensively within many realms of energetic and spiritual healing to develop methods that resonate with me best. As a Certified Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioner, my sessions are most deeply rooted in these systems.

I use the meditative Theta brainwave and keen intuitive ability to access my client’s subconscious mind. From this place, my goal is to identify key core beliefs that are preventing them from living their most fulfilling Reality. I use Conscious Communication to channel my client’s Higher Self as well as take assistance from their spirit guides, however, all of my work is done through the Unconditional Love of the Creator. In this way, it is assured that all Work is done in the Highest & Best way possible through the lens of Spirit, not mine.

I consider myself a Healer, although my role in my sessions is that of the Witness. Through witnessing my clients I am able to help them to empower themselves and gain the tools they need to be their own Healer. I truly believe this is something we are all capable of and it is my goal to lead others to their own breakthroughs.

What does a session with me look like?

Typically a session begins with opening the space and intention-setting. Next, I engage my clients in a bit of talk therapy to hear what they feel are their blocks. During this time, I am listening to messages from the client’s Higher Self that are relevant to their blocks. Next, we begin the “Digging” into the client’s subconscious mind by a series of questions and intuitive information is offered where appropriate. We work through the layers of belief systems until we find the Key Core Belief - also known as that deepest wound and subsequently biggest block.

Once the Key Core Belief has been identified, we work together to “rewrite” the programs to be downloaded. In the next part of the session, the client offers their verbal permission for this work to be done and we settle into a safe container. I then lead the client into a specialized meditation offered specifically to them by their guides to settle into the Theta state.

At this point I integrate my energetic field with that of the Creator of All That Is and command that the hindering belief systems be canceled, pulled, cleared, and/or resolved on the genetic, core, soul, and historic levels, and be replaced with the positive beliefs in every aspect of my client’s life, in the Highest and Best way possible immediately. It is now my job as the Witness to witness the healing through Spirit and relay that information to the client.

At the end of the session, we discuss anything that may have come up during the clearing or downloading. Clients tend to report feeling a powerful sensation of peace, calm, and lightness at the end of the session. If necessary, we muscle test that the belief systems have been changed and if they had not cleared, we revisit the digging work until the Key Core Belief is found.


I take this role very seriously, although this work is not without its fun! My intention for these sessions is to take the pain and apprehension out of Soul Work. I work to make these sessions enjoyable, easy, and graceful, while creating a container full of support, respect, and highest intention. I will take as much time as is necessary so that my clients leave feeling the positive shift.

With this said, I only bring forward pieces to work on that your Higher Self has presented to us. I do not pry into your deepest wounds carelessly, but instead work with you at a pace that is least threatening to your psyche. It is my duty to respect and honor your healing process in whatever shape it takes and I am confident that we achieve exactly what we are meant to in each session.

a note to you…

With this said, I always caution my clients that if they are not truly ready to completely accountable to their own healing, they are not ready to do this work. I cannot “fix” your problems, and I will not take them away from you. What I will do is assist you in shifting your own belief systems to those that serve you best and empower you to take control of your own life.

I also let my clients know that working on this level can create outcomes that aren’t necessarily expected.

For example, if we change your belief “I allow people to take advantage of me” to “The relationships in my life are authentic and balanced”, you may see people leave your life, because they are not profiting off of your subservience anymore. These people may be people you care deeply for, however, they are not in your Highest & Best and when you shift your vibration, the frequencies no longer match and they see themselves out.

This work impacts every aspect of your life, from the cells in your body to the whole picture. Sometimes it is subtle and sometimes it is overt; sometimes sudden and sometimes gradual. You receive your healing in the way Spirit finds most appropriate for you. This may not always align with what you had in mind at first, but I promise you, it is exactly what is in your Highest & Best - I know this to be true because I have lived it!

Are you ready to work with this magic?